Books Read Update πŸ“š

As the number of books I’ve read continues to grow I’ve been thinking about how best to make the page listing these more useful. Until now the only thing I’ve identified is books I’ve re-read using πŸ”„. But I recently re-read Walden and enjoyed it much less second time round. So I’m not sure this is worthwhile in itself.

On LibraryThing I have a collection called favourites but it’s a work in progress. I intend to spend time on this in the next few weeks. When it’s finished, I’ll go through my list on here and add ⭐️ against all my favourite titles.

In the meantime I’ve decided to rank the top 3 books I read each year using πŸ₯‡, πŸ₯ˆ and πŸ₯‰. The usefulness of this is limited, since some years I read a handful of average books and other years I read many great books. However I think the combination of identifying the top 3 books each year, those I’ve read more than once and my overall favourites will give my list of books read more value.

Paul McCafferty @paulmccafferty